Keerthi Sagar
Hi there! I am a Marie-Curie Research Fellow at Irish Manufacturing Research CLG
and KUKA, Ireland
, where I am a part of the Robotics and Automation team. My involves
robot motion planning, optimization, and control. I am currently working on optimization and control strategies to enable robots to perform fine and dexterous manipulation tasks using both autonomous and teleoperation
Before starting my Marie-Curie PostDoctoral Fellowship, I obtained my Ph.D. in robotics from University of Genova, Italy under
the guidance of Prof. Matteo Zoppi and Prof. Dimiter Zlatanov .
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Few awards won during my fellowship.
Best Presentation Award
Keerthi Sagar, Stephen Caro, Philip Long
IEEE International Conference on Control, Mechatronics and Automation (ICCMA, 2024), London, UK., 2024
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Presented work on “Direct-Collocation based Trajectory Optimization of Cable Driven Parallel Robot Using an Analytical Kinetostatic Index”
Hackathon Runners-Up
Keerthi Sagar, Aayush Jain
IMR, Mullingar, Ireland, 2024
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Secured second-place in industrial-grade bin-picking challenge organized by European Union Project- ACROBA.
Industrial Projects and Public Demonstrations
I have worked on industrial projects involving robot-robot collaboration, human-robot collaboration and teleoperation focussed towards medical-device manufacturing.
I have worked on EU-H2020 project "COLLABORATE" and EU-FP7 project "SWARMITFIX".
Force sensitivity demonstration of KUKA LBR IISY
Keerthi Sagar
Atlantic Technological University, Galway., 2024
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Force sensitivity demonstration of KUKA LBR IISY
Digital Twin of real robot in KUKA SIM
Keerthi Sagar
KUKA, Dundalk, Ireland, 2024
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Work presents a code repository for real-time joint visualization of KUKA robot states in KUKA SIM using python port.
5G Use-case demonstration using Telerobotics
Keerthi Sagar
Aviva Stadium, Dublin, Ireland, 2023
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Developed a Telerobotics demonstrator to showcase Vodafone and IMR’s 5G Capabilities as part of my Marie-Curie fellowship.
Digital Simulation of Human-Robot Collaborative Windshield assembly
Keerthi Sagar
EU H2020 Project - CoLLaboratE, CRF-Fiat Italy., 2023
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Delmia simulation showing Human-Robot Collaboration of windshield gripper assembly using a collaborative gripper equipped with tactile handles developed for CRF-Fiat, Italy
VR Gaming Motion Simulator using Stewart Platform
PMAR Robotics
Genova, Italy, 2019
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Extensively involved the design team developing a custom 7-DOF Motion simulator for an Italian gaming company.
I'm interested in robot motion planning, dexterous manipulation, kinematics and optimal control.
Tactile human-robot collaborative robot gripper for windshield inspection and assembly
Francesco Grella, Keerthi Sagar, Roberto Canale, Michal Jilich, Alessandro Albini, Gorgio Cannata, Matteo Zoppi
IET Digital Library, Human-Robot Collaboration,Unlocking the potential for industrial applications,2023, 2024
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Human-Robot collaboration to inspect and preassemble a car windshield using hand guidance and a tactile gripper.
Polytope-Based Continuous Scalar Performance Measure With Analytical Gradient for Effective Robot Manipulation
Keerthi Sagar, Stéphane Caro, Taskın Padır and Philip Long
IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, Presented at IEEE ICRA, Yokohama, Japan 2024,, 2023
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A polytope-based kinetostatic index to achieve complex force and velocity-targeted manipulation in both serial and parallel robots.
Towards High Dynamic Operations With Parallel-Serial Hybrid Robots
Keerthi Sagar, Vishal Ramadoss, and Matteo Zoppi
ASME, IDETC, DETC2023-116954, V008T08A064, August,20,203, Boston, USA, 2023
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Motion generation and control of a parallel-serial hybrid robot architecture for high speed machining and fixturing in aerospace application.
HEDRA: A Bio-Inspired Modular Tensegrity Robot With Polyhedral Parallel Modules
Vishal Ramadoss*, "Keerthi Sagar*, Mohamed Sadiq Ikbal, Jesus Hiram Lugo Calles, Raghuveer Siddaraboina and Matteo Zoppi"- *Equal contribution"
IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), April 04-08 2022, Edinburgh, UK., 2022
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This paper proposes a new robotic mechanism based on tensegrity (‘tension-integrity’) robots and reconfigurable modular robots.
Modeling and Stiffness Evaluation Of Tendon-Driven Robot For Collaborative Human-Robot Interaction
Vishal Ramadoss, Keerthi Sagar (Equal first-author contribution), Mohamed Sadiq Ikbal, Dimiter Zlatanov, and Matteo Zoppi
IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics (ISR), 2021
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Stiffness evaluation of tendon-driven serial kinematic chains which allow single-point and multi-point routing with bundling per rigid link.
STORM: Screw Theory Toolbox For Robot Manipulator and Mechanisms
Keerthi Sagar*, Vishal Ramadoss*, Dimiter Zlatanov and Matteo Zoppi
IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), October 25-29 2020, Las Vegas, NV, USA, 2021
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This work presents STORM, an educational and research oriented software framework for constraint and motion analysis and visualization of reciprocal screw systems for a class of robot manipulator and mechanisms
Artificial intelligence planners for multi-head path planning of SwarmItFIX agents
Satheeshkumar Veeramani, Sreekumar Muthuswamy, Keerthi Sagar & Matteo Zoppi
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2018
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Markov decision based planner for path planning triangular heads of the robotic fixturing agents using constrained satifsfaction problem (CSP).
The SwarmItFix Pilot
Keerthi Sagar, Luis de Leonardo, Rezia Molfino, Teresa Zielińska, Cezary Zieliński, Dimiter Zlatanov, Matteo Zoppi
Procedia Manufacturing, 2018
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A pilot cell including a traditional machine tool and an innovative robot-swarm cooperative conformable support for aircraft body panels.
Miniaturized Flexible Flow Pump Using SMA Actuator
Keerthi Sagar,
Procedia Engineering, 2013
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Miniaturized flexible fluid flow pump using SMA wires by inducing variable pressure difference within a felxible tube.